Friday, June 11, 2010

Ecco la qua (It is here)!

Remember that post waaay back in early May about my new chandelier? (My Electrician has a Nicer Purse than Me)

Well, I am happy to announce that after several weeks, and the help of 2 Italians, 1 Serbian, 2 electricians, the Italian antique dealer, and my very patient husband who made many phone calls in Italian, the chandelier is now hanging in our living room.

It took over 12 hours of electrical work, 3 trips to the antique store and 2 hours of standing on a chair replacing crystals (done by my also very patient father in-law)

In Eeetaly, nothing is seeemple. Next time, I'm buying a side table.

I'll post a picture soon.

1 comment:

  1. Next time a table? -- no, no, no -- keep buying big pretty things so they will be yours forever! Lots of wine storage jars!
    Patience runs in the Dietz family!?!
    Pictures please soon.
