Sunday, March 21, 2010


I need shoe advice. As the season is beginning to change I am planning my spring shoe purchases. This is rather important as I walk at least 2 km a day. . . on cobblestones. . . often running after a two year old. . . but must be fashionable. This is Italy and here you only wear running shoes if you are actually running.

These crazy sandals were all over Italy at the end of last summer and now I'm seeing them for sale on US websites. So it must be a trend that is going to stick. My husband thinks they are ridiculous. I kind of think so too but I said the same thing about skinny jeans and thigh high boots and now I wear those daily. What do you think? Will you be buying a pair this spring?

My big problem is closed toe flats. I always think they are comfortable in the store then after wearing them a while they are miserable. Anyone have a brand that fits great and looks great? My husband tells me to just wear heels (of course he does) but a great pair of flats is a must for day trips to Venice, etc. or wandering museums. You get the point. Pleeease send me your suggestions!


  1. Oh how I wish I could actually wear stylish shoes! I would definitely be out of place in Italy!

  2. These "crazy sandals" wouldn't make it thru a MS summer!

  3. Some of the Cole Hahn sandals are supposed to have a "nike" footbed making them very comfortable -- supposedly!

  4. Can you believe it is just as hot here as MS but they are still wearing these. . . and with no air conditioning.

  5. Walking always and sweating through the summer with those "crazy sandals" --- ah, now I know why Italians are never overweight!

  6. Lauren, Kathie Lee and Hoda,NBC Today show did a segment on these sandals the day after I first read your comments. They called them 'bandals' and didn't seem impressed. A couple of staff members wore them and Kathie Lee tried one on. It is online if you have time/choose to look at it.

  7. I can't belive we are even ahead of the Today show fashion segment over here! Pretty funny.
